We live in a time where everything around us is changing at lightning speed. The way we live and work will never be the same again. Affordability is driving the X, Y and Z cohorts out of ownership and into a new way of living. The property industry is responding in a way it has never responded before and we are seeing the birth of a new asset class in Build to Rent (BTR).
We take cues from other countries, most notably the U.S. Multi-Family sector and Europe where renting has been a way of life for decades. Untarnished by the negative views of renting that we have in the UK, Other countries have developed thriving rental communities where management is aeons away from the adversarial landlord/tenant relationship that has persisted in the UK.
Developers, Investors, Architects, Managers, Technology and even consultants have come together in a perfect confluence of consciousness and are driving together to create a brand new asset class with brand new thinking.
Whether you recognise it or not, Build to Rent captures the zeitgeist of the millennial technological age. The way we live and work will never be the same again.
in these pages, I use my experience in the PRS and BTR industry to chronicle events and trends that shape the sector going forward and explain why certain things work, why some may not and add my own views as to where we may end up.